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Spicy Roasted Tomato Soup

Yield: 4 servings


2 ½ Ib tomatoes
1 red onion sliced
1 carrot chopped
3 garlic cloves
½ cup olive oil
1-quart vegetable broth
3 Tbsp unsalted butter
1 tsp chopped rosemary
1 tsp chopped thyme
¼ tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper to taste
Flash Fried sage leaves and olive oil (optional garnish)



Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

Begin to core and slice the tomatoes in half. Add them into a large bowl along with the sliced red onion, chopped carrot, and garlic cloves. Toss with olive oil and salt and pepper until evenly coated. Arrange the mixture on a sheet pan and transfer to the oven for 20 to 30 minutes until caramelized.

Once the tomato mixture is caramelized, transfer it to a heavy-bottom stockpot. Add ¾ of the vegetable broth to the pot, the herbs, and butter. Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the liquid has reduced by a third. Off the heat, use an immersion blender (or a food processor/blender) to puree the soup until smooth and put back on the heat. Adjust the consistency with the leftover stock, if necessary. Season with salt and pepper.

For a garnish, ladle the soup into bowls or coffee mugs. Carefully lay 1-2 fried sage leaves on top of the soup, and then drizzle with a little olive oil (about one tsp).

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025



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