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Cacao / [kuh-kah-oh]:
Native South American tree whose seeds are fermented and processed to make cocoa and chocolate.
Calorie / [kal-uh-ree]:
A unit used to measure food energy. It is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1°C.
Caramelization / [kar-uh-muh-lahyz-a-shen]:
The process of browning sugar in the presence of heat. The caramelization of sugar occurs between 320° to 360°F / 160° to 182°C.
Caviar / [kav-ee-ahr]:
The roe of sturgeon, esp. the beluga, or other fish, usually served as an hors d'oeuvre or appetizer.
Chiffonade / [shif-uh-neyd]:
Leafy vegetables or herbs cut nto fine shreds; often as a garnish.
Clarification / [klar-uh-fa-key-shuhn]:
The process of removing solid impurities from a liquid (such as butter or stock). Also a mixture of ground meat, egg whites, mirepoix, tomato purée, herbs, and spices used to clarify broth for consome.
Coagulation / [koh-ag-yuh-ley-shuhn]:
The curdling or crumpling of proteins, usually do to the application of heat or acid.
Cavatappi / [Kava-top-ee]: Also called cellentani, spirali or double elbows, is macaroni formed in a spiral tube shape. It usually has rigati (lines or grooves on the outside surface of pasta).
Communard / [kom-yuh-nahrd]:
The kitchen position responsible for preparing staff meals.
Concasser / [cone-kas-yay]:
To pound or chop coarsely. Concassé usually refers to tomatoes that have been peeled, seeded, and chopped.
Compote / [kom-poht]:
A dish of fruit - fresh or dried - cooked in syrup flavored with spices or liqueur. Also a type of small dish.
Confit / [kon-fee]:
It is French term used to describe a way of preserving meat (usually pork, goose or duck). Meat or poultry is salted first and then slowly cooked in its own rendered fat. The resulting confit is then packed in crocks and sealed with more fat. Confit can be refrigerated up to 6 months.
Cornstarch / [kawrn-stahrch]:
A fine, white powder milled from dried corn used primarily as a thickener for sauce and occasionally as an ingredient in batters.
Croustade / [kroo-stahd]:
A small baked or fried edible container for meat, chicken, or other mixtures; usually made from pastry but may be made from potatoes or pasta.
Curd / [kurd]:
The semisolid portion of milk once it coagulates and separates. Also, a sweet creamy pudding-like preparation that is made of fruit juice (typically citrus), sugar eggs and butter.
Cure / [kyoor]:
To preserve a food by salting smoking, pickling and/or drying.